Digital Marketing

5 Most Useful SEO Tools for Website Analysis


Search engine optimisation (SEO) is one of the most important aspects of running a website. It is vital to increase the traffic to your site. Though content needs to be informative and high- quality, you cannot have your website ranked on the top page of search engines without SEO.

Google has no limit. Every other day millions of websites are created. While there are a lot of companies selling the same product or service, SEO is the only way that ensures that visitors find you whenever they make any query about a product or service you deal in.

There are various SEO tools, and most of them are free. There is nothing wrong to pay attention to free tools, especially when it is boosting traffic to your website. However, not all free SEO tools are benign. Most of them are trash. Make sure that the tools you choose are worth adding to your toolbox. Here are the most useful tools you should use to improve the traffic to your website.

Google Search Console

Do you want to figure out how the search engines look at your website? How likely are the chances search engines crawl your content? Google Search Console will answer to your questions.

In other words, console tools help you improve the performance of your website. You can measure your site’s traffic, crawling errors, and fix issues without more ado. It helps optimise your content with search analytics. Make decisions by analysing keywords users are using to find you, impressions and clicks.

You will get alert if any of the URL is under the threat of malware, one of the significant reasons for the poor performance of your website. Take stock of how Google search engines see your pages.

The console comes with inspection tools that provide details about crawling, indexing and serving information. You can also review your index coverage to ensure that Google does not take a long time to crawl your pages.


Woorank is not free of cost. It comes with a 14-day free trial period and then you are supposed to pay $59 per month for a pro plan or $179 per month for a premium plan.

Woorank helps have an in-depth analysis of your website. It enables you to improve optimisation and improvement by taking into account the performance of SEO techniques and social media.

The report produced by Woorank consists of the details about marketing checklist, SEO, mobile, usability, technologies, social, locals and visitors. This tool simplifies digital marketing efforts. You will get an idea of your website visibility. If it is underperforming, you can make strategies by analysing your website’s data, social media marketing and other factors simultaneously.

Another advantage of this tool is retaining more clients by dominating search terms. You will get a chance to view keywords your competitors are using to outperform them. Not only does this tool help you know where you lack, but it also gives you dozens of actionable marketing tips, a faster method to reach out to your audience.

Besides, you will get to know about new keywords, track rankings, competitors and changes to search results.

Moz Pro Tools

The tool aims at providing higher ranking, quality traffic, and measurable results by providing you with everything from the right keyword to creating custom reports. It is essential to know what keywords users are using to find you. Knowing what they are looking for can help you create high-quality content. Moz Pro can help you with it.

You can strategically target keywords by analysing keyword volume and difficulty metrics. It analyses keyword metrics so you can spend more time generating traffic. Keywords play a paramount role to decide the ranking of your website. The tool will let you know what keywords are bringing results, and you can track the competition. You will get to know local searches people make to find you.

Moz Pro also helps find issues with your website that keep search engines from crawling your pages. You will also have access to custom suggestions based on the ranking of pages.

Website Grader

Website Grader is a free tool that lets you know how secure your website is. The device has gained a lot of advanced features so far. It generates a customised report based on performance, mobile-friendliness, SEO techniques and security.

The tool will analyse page size, loading speed, keyword metrics, page titles, Meta description, and page design. All you need is the URL of your website.

  • You will be given a score between 1 and 100.
  • You can also get a handful of paid SEO tools apart from website grader to gain better insight into your website performance.
  • You will also get some useful recommendations for better performance.

SEO Spider Tool

The SEO spider tool crawls all types of websites, including large efficiently to help you analyse the results in real-time to make informed decisions. This tool will give you a personalised report detailing about broken links, page titles, meta description, XML sitemaps, duplicate content, and site architecture.

It comes in both free and paid versions. Of course, the paid version comes with advanced features such as crawl configuration, JavaScript rendering, Google Analytics Integration etc. If you opt for a free version, you can analyse up to 500 URLs. The paid version will cost you £150 per year.

The bottom line

There are various other SEO tools for analysing a website. Free tools can also help you have an insight into your website performance. Paid tools come with advanced features so that you can get better analysis.

Annual subscriptions for such versions will not cost you a small fortune, but in case you do not have enough money due to any reason, you can contact direct lenders for poor credit instalment loans.

If you are serious about SEO, you should not delay investing in these tools. It does not need to seem hectic. You can grow faster if you carefully analyse it to make strategic decisions.

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