
Having other diseases can cause erectile dysfunction


Erectile dysfunction is a failure to get a hard enough erection to have sexual intercourse. It involves the weak penile erection or inability to maintain or even sustain the erection for long. Males dealing with erectile dysfunction are not able to perform the sexual act due to which both the partners are left dissatisfied.

Erectile dysfunction itself is not a disease, but it is a symptom of underlining medical, psychological, emotional, and hormonal disturbance in the body. For a healthy male, erectile dysfunction can be emotional or physical stress. For senior and old males, several lifestyle and medical issues can give birth to erectile dysfunction. The males often use Generic Viagra 200mg for quick erection but the best way is always to identify the underlining causes and deal with them.

Lifestyle issues in younger males

Lately, several lifestyle issues have emerged in younger males. All these issues cause erectile dysfunction in males. The sedentary lifestyle is the mother of several of these issues. It has been seen that lifestyle issues causes of obesity. Obesity, in turn, gives birth to blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol issues, and an inactive physical body. Over time these issues combined to cause erectile dysfunction in males. Any obese male has a greater risk of erectile dysfunction in life regardless of his age. The easiest way to overcome all these issues is the use of drugs before the sexual act. But dealing with underlying issues always lower the need for erectile drugs.

Other related issues with lifestyle are excess smoking, drinking, heavy intake of junk food, irregular eating habit, and consumption of packed foods that can adversely affect the sexual lives of men. All the time these issues damage the body, lower the blood circulation, and disturb the natural erection process of the body. Blood pressure and diabetes damage blood vessels. Damaged or weak blood vessels cannot supply adequate blood to the sexual organ. It leads to erectile issues.

An unhealthy diet lowers the sperm quality, level of testosterone in the body. The combined effect is lower libido in males which is also the cause for erectile dysfunction. All these issues are related to one another as one gives birth to another and ensures the survival of a condition that leads to erectile dysfunction.

Psychological and neurological issues

Your mind is a key player in triggering the series of physical events that lead to an erection. The erection process, starting with feelings of sexual excitement, starts in the mind. When a person is sexually stimulated, his brain sends the message to the nerves. The nerves help in relaxing the tissues of the penis so that the blood can be easily filled in the open spaces. And blood-filled penis causes an erection. Any issue that disturbs the mind affects the erection process adversely.

Psychological issues are an important issue of erectile dysfunction in young males. The current active lifestyle feeds mental issues. It has become a disease as mental issues adversely affect the quality of life of a male and the quality of life determines the sexual life of the male.

Stress, anxiety, depression, financial worry, relationship issues, professional tension, lack of time, lack of relaxation, can all come together to disrupt the process of erection in men. Of late, relationship issue has also assumed a greater significance among young males. It is one of the prime causes of emotional disease. Persistence of emotional or psychological issues has an adverse impact on erection issues.

Medical and Mental diseases of older males behind erectile dysfunction

Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, which is also known as senile dementia completely damages the erection process of older males. It is a progressive mind disease that destroys all mental functions including memory.

The Prostrate issue is a major issue in senior males in fact prostate with cardiovascular disease is the single biggest issue behind erectile dysfunction in older males. Prostate enlargement affects the nerves which participate in the penile erection. The prostate does not because of erectile dysfunction, but surgery to remove prostate cancer and Radiation therapy affect the nerves that participate in the erection process. Erectile dysfunction drug 60mg Tadalafil is often used by such males to overcome the erection process, but drugs should be used only after full recovery from prostate surgery.

Other risk factors

Besides broad medical conditions, cardiovascular issues, and health issues, there are several ailments that cause erectile dysfunction. Kidney dialysis, liver weakness, injury to the penis, excess use of recreational drugs, are some of the risk factors.

Any dose of the erectile dysfunction drugs like Cenforce 100mg ensure a normal erection. A single dose will overcome any risk factor. However, you need medical consultations for a safe experience. To reduce complications, understand your level of the erectile problem and then use the dosage. The right dosage will never increase the effect of the minor side effects.

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