HealthHome and FamilyAir Pollution; Causes and PreventionHafsa UsmaniFebruary 23, 2022February 24, 2022268Fight air pollution. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Get regular exercise. Don’t smoke. Control high blood pressure, diabetes, and...
HealthImpact of Covid-19 on the SocietyHafsa UsmaniJanuary 28, 2022229The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide. And presents an unprecedented challenge to public...
Internet and BusinessesCovid-19 and EcommerceHafsa UsmaniJanuary 26, 2022218By the second quarter of 2020, our lives as we knew them had changed significantly. But how have things especially...
FeaturedHealthHome and FamilyBoard Certified Autism TechniciansArk-InsulationJune 24, 2021176Board Certified Autism Technicians (BCAT's) provide an important service for families seeking. A comprehensive autism plan that addresses the entire...