
What should i remove from my car before I scrap it?

What should i remove from my car before I scrap it

Before it gets towed away, you’ll need to make sure that certain items are removed from the area your car will be getting scrapped.

Just because that area is a lot smaller than when it was last on the road doesn’t mean you’re allowed to get rid of certain parts! Firstly, these items can still be used for various purposes.

Second each part still means some money in the bank. So unless you want to give up spending money on new parts that really could help with your commute home.

Make sure all valuables have been removed at the time of your pick-up. There are a few important things to do before it gets towed away.

One of them is to remove the things from your car that you want to keep or might get some value from. You could get more money for these items rather than the car itself.

Since many auto buyers accept and pay for spare parts. In this article we will guide you “What should I remove from my car before I scrap it”.

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Audio System

Scrap metal is recyclable. Upgrading your audio system is an excellent way to dispose of these types of materials when you don’t need them anymore.

Fortunately for you, the value and demand of each part may vary depending on the brand and model. Depending on what the recycling facility gives you, you could earn a few hundred or even close to a thousand dollars!

Audio systems are expensive to replace if they have been installed by a professional and if your car is old enough to have them.

Most new cars come equipped with one in order to make traveling more enjoyable. A powerful sound system can add value and increase the price at which it sells to a scrap car service.

Audio System

LED Lights & Bulbs

You likely paid a fairly decent amount for your LEDs when you bought them and arguably. There’s no reason why you wouldn’t just remove them if you decide to scrap your current car.

Most LED lights can be installed into multiple vehicles so they won’t end up going to waste. In case you get a new car and want better visibility at night time, these types of bulbs can work their magic once again.

Without having to pay full retail so save that money for aftermarket lighting instead! One thing to note however, Be careful when disassembling them because if you break any of the fastening tabs on the bulb.

It can lose anywhere from 50% to as much as 80% of its value since it will be more difficult for someone else to replace the OEM bulbs with aftermarket options.

Small Accessories

Any accessories or components that aren’t needed for the recyclable material to be used for manufacturing should be eliminated.

For example, if you’re recycling a car, any door protectors should be removed and set aside because they will not be useful to your scrap metal items.

Or maybe your car has a sunroof cover. Any components like those that aren’t able to go with the car body itself will need to be discarded or saved so that you have an extra copy on-hand in case something bad happens to the first one.

Small Accessories

Floor Mats

You can keep the floor mats because the scrap company doesn’t have a need for them. A decent floor mat isn’t cheap, and if you eliminate yours from your car’s parts, it will save you additional costs in the future for another vehicle.

Advertise on the web with photos, a description of the part and its applications. When you have a buyer, agree on a form of payment.

If you live close to each other, it is normal to meet to make the exchange. If not, send the part through a transport company — most buyers usually have to cover shipping costs.

But the best way is just to get paid when they pick up the part. If you have an old car that’s no longer useful and wish to sell it for money then give Active car removals Sydney a call!


If a car part is undamaged and still in reasonable working condition, you should consider getting rid of that part. There are usually always people who are searching for spare parts, so you’ll be able to find a good home for it.

The wheels still have enough tread left and are in functional condition, try to take them off your vehicle as well.

Wheels are always in high demand for cars because they tend to wear-out quicker than other parts under everyday use. I would be willing to bet that you’ll find someone who’s buying them at a fair market value!



It is important to know your options before getting rid of your old car. It’s not always necessary to sell it for cash!

A GPS system can be sold separately and you may be able to get a decent sum from someone interested in buying one from you.

Don’t forget to remove your car’s GPS receiver (if it has one) or at least turn off the GPS function before taking your car to the scrap yard.

Some people may be interested in your GPS receiver and will give you a decent amount for it, so if you’ve got one, take advantage of that!

FAQ related to what should i remove from my car before i scrap it

What is the most valuable part of a car?

The most expensive part to repair or replacement is the engine because it bothers most people with its cost. Most car engines can be replaced at a price of thousands of dollars in vehicles that are small and even more of big ones.

What car parts have precious metals?

The majority of your car is made up of common metals like steel and aluminum, but Precious Metals can also be found to a lesser degree.

The most prominent usage occurs in catalytic converters comprised of Platinum and Palladium and circuit boards with Silver and Gold. Because they are needed to create electronics technologies like gears and electric gauges.

Though not as common knowledge, several precious metals typically only associated with jewelry or investments are found in cars.

Particularly Platinum and Palladium which are used in catalytic converters, Silver which is found in computers and Bluetooth devices.

Do I need documents to scrap my car?

If you’re looking to have your vehicle scrapped, then you need to make sure the logbook comes with the car. In order to scrap any non-historic vehicle that’s not in a roadworthy condition.

The V5C registration certificate is required, otherwise known as the logbook. This certificate proves that the vehicle belongs to you and stops any unauthorised sales from being made.

The V5C logbook allows you to prove ownership of your car and will tell car dealerships that they can’t resell your old automobile without a proper transfer of title.

This simple form also allows scrap yards to legally acquire your vehicle without having to get involved in any lengthy and costly legal processes.


The process of scrapping or junking a vehicle can be a bit of a chore. You have to search for a scrap yard in your area, get an inspection done on the car you want to scrap. Then make an appointment to get your vehicle towed to the scrap yard.

Before you scrap your vehicle, you’ll want to remove anything you can get a few extra dollars for. We have given you a list of things.

You can remove from your car and then sell to get a little extra cash. We hope you have enjoyed the article titled “What should I remove from my car before I scrap it”.

For more information about this visit our website.

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