
Why Use a Cloud-Based Translation Management System?

translation management system
translation management system

No matter what is the size of your business and which product you are selling, having a professional cloud-based translation management system is significant for any business that wants to target global markets. Localization of your brand is essential for your business’s global expansion, and to execute your localization plan you must have a reliable TMS in place. Most businesses struggle to make their place in the international markets because of ineffective localization.

Although there are a lot of opportunities for businesses to grow, the competition is getting higher, which is a major concern for aspiring businesses. To cope up with the increasing demand of global markets, even the big companies now prefer buying a TMS.

These systems include all the features required to enable global business expansion. There are many reasons why having a TMS can benefit your localization plan. In this article, there will be a discussion on the perks of using a cloud-based translation management system for your business localization and how it is better than doing your localization any other way.

Benefits of Cloud-Based Translation Management System

In localization, managing the translations is probably the most difficult and complicated task. Even if you have professional translators, there are still chances that you would make costly mistakes through the process that can have a bad influence on your brand.

When it comes to global business, you can’t afford such mistakes that can devastate your brand’s reputation. To get over these localization challenges, you should have reliable cloud-based TMS. Below are the reasons why getting a TMS can help you with localization plan execution.

It Saves Your Time

As far as translation management is concerned, the speed of your work has a direct influence on work efficiency and client satisfaction. The manual translation file management is not just complicated, but it also slows down the overall localization processes that result in missed deadlines.

In the case of TMS, you would have automated translation workflows, and it’ll also optimize your task management.

Most TMSs have also incorporated machine translation systems to generate automated translations. As this tool automates your translation operations, you don’t have to waste much time sending the document back and forth.

It saves a lot of time by reducing the manual work and automating the overall workflow. Some TMS are so smart that they can produce error-free, in-context translations that do not need much editing.

Hassle-Free Translations

Cloud-based TMSs streamline your translation processes, making translation management hassle-free. Unlike manual processes, which are very complicated and put a lot of burden on the employees, these systems reduce the workloads on the employees that enhance your team’s productivity and performance.

Moreover, translation generated by TMS does not require much proofreading and revisions. There are fewer chances of grammatical, spelling, and logical mistakes. TMS uses advanced AI tools to produce quick and error-free translations.

Most TMSs have included the translation memories and brand glossaries that ensure in-context translations. Translation memory, a database of previously approved translations, is used by TMSs to generate new translations using the earlier translations as a reference.

The more you use your TMS system, the wiser it will get overtime. This way, you can complete your translations without any human intervention that makes the whole translation management process agile and hassle-free.

Higher Translation Quality

There is a misconception that humans produce higher translation quality than machines. This is not correct considering how powerful AI technology has become. You can easily find many professional TMSs that are offering human-like translation-that too in the fastest turnaround time.

Of course, you can’t replace humans entirely because machines do make mistakes too. At the end of the day, your TMS is following an algorithm. At least you don’t need to hire a bunch of translators now.

Hiring one or two professional linguists would be enough to proofread your everyday localization translations. However, compared to the value that professional translators would give you after getting full-time salaries, these systems are offering quite a lot.

Cloud-based TMS can help you generate translation with supreme quality, keeping your brand voice consistent. To ensure an unchangeable brand voice across all regions, TMSs use glossaries. Brand glossary is a tool used by most TMSs to help you keep the translations in context by maintaining your brand vocabulary.

It includes the most common words used by your brand, acronyms, abbreviations, and words that you don’t want to change. So, having TMS would not just help complete your translation tasks on time but also ensure that your content is error-free and your brand image is consistent.

Offers Greater Visibility 

If you have ever used traditional translation management methods, you would know how opaque the operations are. No one really has an idea about what’s going on in the localization project. The translation processes are so complex in manual file management that maintaining a consistent brand voice is almost impossible. Thanks to the cloud-based TMS, things have gotten quite transparent now.

Back then, project managers had to waste a lot of time organizing spreadsheets, checking emails, transferring the translated files to other employees, and sending emails to employees about all new updates on the localization project.

Cloud-based TMS made the project managers’ jobs easier by offering a transparent and unified approach to executing your localization projects. All the translation documents are stored at one single localization that is available to all the employees.

There would be no chances of information redundancy, and if any duplicate data exists, it deletes the extra file immediately. Any employee can access the translation files, whenever they need.

Having a TMS also makes it easier for the project managers to track the progress of a localization project because of higher transparency. Moreover, uploading, reviewing, deploying, and reformatting the content is also much easier with TMS.

Gives You More Freedom

Why buy a cloud-based TMS, instead of a server-based? This is a frequently asked question by LSPs, enterprises, and professional linguists. The answer is simple, it gives you more freedom. Unlike server-based TMS, there is no restriction to work at one particular place. Anyone from anywhere can access a cloud-based system.

Global businesses mostly have employees working from far-off places. Most companies prefer to hire native speakers from different countries to enhance the quality of translations. In this scenario having a cloud-based translation management system would be the ideal option.

Your in-house team can easily get along with freelancers and remote employees through these systems. Moreover, project managers don’t have to deal with remote employees separately.

Everyone would have a clear view of the localization project. Cloud-based TMS would give you the freedom to get anyone on board for localization projects, no matter where on earth they live.


You can tailor your cloud-based TMS to your unique brand needs and adjust it to the requirements of your localization project. It is a powerful tool that would help you have a hassle-free entry to a foreign market and expand your brand reach to global customers.

While buying any TMS, make sure it has all the required tools that your brand would need to target global markets. Undoubtedly, getting a TMS would make all of your localization efforts worth it, and increase your ROI.

From cutting the localization cost to automating the translation operations, TMS helps you through your business localization journey.

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Halen Terry is a creative writer and a professional linguist with expertise in using advanced translation management systems. She has been working in the localization industry for more than 6 years now. She creates informational content every day with the aim to serve the community and aspire translators to grow professionally.