
Achieve Material and Spiritual Prosperity Future Life

Future Life

Just as we Future Life wake up in the morning and sleep at night in the same way on a macro level, the cycle of life and death also occurs. The sun rises and sets every day. Our lives begin and end for a period of time. Just as one day in our life ends and the next day begins another day, our entire life ends in one day (death), and another life begins (birth). There should be no sadness or fear about this. If we always maintain this awareness, we can truly beautify our lives without the constant fear and pressure that bothers us day after day.

If in order to make our future brighter, we must go through certain difficult times now, and no one will hate it, because the “this moment will pass” law will definitely be on the right track. A smart person will never engage in unhealthy behaviors. These behaviors will undoubtedly bring him temporary happiness, but in the long run, this will only bring him conflict and pain. If we are constantly aware of the transient nature of the happy and sad environment, all our psychological influences, such as greed, greed, eroticism, etc., will cease. Therefore, such a pure-minded person will make appropriate use of the objects and environment he faces and work hard, not only for his own material and spiritual progress but also for the progress of the world’s human beings.

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Man mistakenly believes that his current life is the final life, so he wastes it by eating, drinking, and giving birth. As a result, his future became bleak. On the contrary, if a person is to learn to observe each of his births in countless other incarnations related to a day in his life, he will work as hard as a student or a farmer to illuminate his future. And make it radiant.Has mankind Future Life ever adopted this attitude to reap the benefits? It is the spiritual ignorance of his soul that makes him think that his current life is the only and final life. This kind of wrong thinking leads people to do unwelcome behaviors and thus get sins. In order to overcome this shortcoming, the veil of ignorance in our hearts must be completely destroyed. We will abandon the childish attitude of “eat, drink and play” and live a precious life in a mature way.

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We all live our lives like travelers living in nursing homes, hotels, motels, etc. Everyone in our world gathers together, like blades of grass flowing in a vast river. Therefore, it is very important that we abide by the rules and disciplines of nursing homes, hotels, etc. Let us all learn to perform our duties unselfishly like a cog on a wheel. This will help us overcome the spiritual ignorance of our hearts, which wrongly causes us to say “mine” and like some people, and say “not mine” to hate others. The correct understanding is that “we all belong to God”, and God is our ultimate benefactor.

Everyone turns his/her shaft by tying his/her shaft with a rope of his/her karma (action). This is cosmic time, uniting people together for a period of time before separating them.We must learn the spiritual art of connecting ourselves to all individuals and objects in the world in a cosmic and ubiquitous way. It is okay to take free rations during difficult times, but the problem is that it has become an unhealthy habit. Therefore, instead of making good use of their wisdom and diligence, these people live a life of begging and laziness. Forget about working for the good of the world, such a person cannot even improve himself materially or spiritually. These are the terrible fruits of Maya or ignorance that make us painfully hallucinated. So the real purpose of life is first the personal material and spiritual progress, and then the people who contribute to happiness.

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The way in which material pleasures are created allows us to make the most appropriate use of them, thereby enhancing not only our own internal and external, but also the entire world. Material resources are in the realm of the inert material world, and they constantly change colors and shapes to add beauty to the world. Our mistake is that we want to have these inert objects, so our ego becomes obese and bloated. If we insist on expanding our vain self, satisfying unclean desires, etc., we will definitely enter the gates of hell and doom. Therefore, we can only live a selfish and narrow life, a precious life wasted for higher material. Spiritual goal.

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It is certainly not wise or foresight to treat this illusory self “I” and our thoughts as everything and end all the potential of life. This is because our true “I” is the infinite ocean of divine cosmic consciousness, which all of us usually call God in our daily speech. If we turn our efforts to obtain this kind of cosmic consciousness instead of temporary material pursuits, instead of pursuing spiritual values, we can obtain the sacred glory taught by saints, saints, great men, leaders, etc. all over the world. The world has arrived.

From ancient times to the present. Surprisingly, people give up huge spiritual gains by immersing themselves in unholy behaviors for temporary happiness. This kind of unholy behavior will surely reap the fruits of pain and sorrow in the future. A smart person will never condescend for the fleeting pleasures that eventually pave the way for the long-term destruction of his material and spirit. It was Maya games or mental ignorance that motivated us to adopt bad behaviors for so-called short-term gains. Just as people mistake land for water, so people mistake losses for gains. It’s like attacking your own feet with an axe.

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Man is hypnotized by spiritual ignorance and spiritual filth, so that he himself caused total destruction in his life. In this way, he swims in the sea of ​​sadness and sorrow he created. On the contrary, if human beings make full use of the 3 available media, namely 1) soul, 2) mind/psychology and 3) 5 senses, he can not only improve himself, but also act like a cog on a wheel for the well-being, peace and welfare of the world. Contribution. Our senses are so beautifully designed, you can experience extraordinary relaxation in daily chores. It is normal for us to eat to fill our stomachs. The Almighty Lord is so great that He designed our body so that it can complete our daily work easily and naturally. By eating healthy food, our soul will find satisfaction and peace.

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The function of our eyes is to see external objects and creatures so that our lives can function smoothly. Therefore, our eyes are so amazingly designed that our souls will exude happiness and joy when they see the beauty and greatness of the world. Since ancient times, the world has been experiencing a cycle of creation, reproduction and destruction. In the mid-stage, everything is young/new and beautiful.

Whether it is a person, a bird, a flower, etc., they have to experience life, growth, and death. The intermediate stage looks good. In fact, all three stages are beautiful in their own way. Nonetheless, our eyes classify these stages as desirable or other. Therefore, what is in the growth phase seems desirable for all of us. From an absolute point of view, nothing is more like our amazing vision than “beautiful” and “ugly”, classifying certain objects and scenes as beautiful and radiant to reflect the joy and peace in our souls.

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The function of our genitalia is the same. It even reproduces through mosquitoes, birds, worms, etc. This is a natural and direct function of the world, but the human genitalia is full of ecstasy, not only during sexual intercourse, but the thought of it will stimulate our hearts. end. From an absolute point of view, all of this is illusory and non-existent. What is special about one person’s body touching another person? What’s the magic in this? What are the benefits of using it? We can understand that the actual sense of touch excites us, but the important question is why the mere imagination of this sense of touch stimulates our senses and psychology? In fact, these emotions are relative, but not absolute. This is because our genitals are designed in such a way that physical contact or spiritual contact between men and women.

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In the paragraph above, we discussed the tongue, eyes, and genitals. The same applies to our ears and nose. We have eyes, ears, etc., so our life is full of joy, passion for life, etc. Without these feelings, our lives will become dull and boring. Our idea is to use these senses appropriately and optimally so that our material and spiritual lives are vibrant and radiant.

In addition to the five senses, God also gave us a heart/spirit. By “touching” our soul and consciousness, we can reach the peak of pure happiness and joy. Our senses are connected to an inert body. These senses come into contact with inert objects and bring us happiness. Touch/contact inertia can bring happiness, as can be seen through the medium of sensory contact with objects. When consciousness touches consciousness, an organism touches another organism and so on. One experiences happiness, joy, friendship, affection, etc.

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If there is no darkness, light will never have the necessary importance. For the well-being of ourselves and the whole world, our hearts are designed to connect with others and show love, cooperation, etc. When people gather together, they will have a kind of friendship and experience happiness.

Humans are attracted by the pleasures of the senses, public events (celebrations, fairs, community gatherings, etc.) and wealth. Wealth itself is not attractive. It cannot directly stimulate our senses or psychology. How do metal coins or banknotes attract our attention? The contemporary social arrangement is that you can buy TV, computers, food and other sensory items through the currencies of various countries, so as to obtain the pleasure of using them. Therefore, wealth strongly attracts the human mind. This results in wealth being included in the list of media/tools that bring happiness.

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A creature has 3 bodies. All three give joy and pleasure. Earlier, we discussed 2 of these examples. The greatness of the body is related to the five senses. The subtle body is our mind/heart. Good mental function depends on contact with other people and objects. The mind obtains happiness through family relationships, social contact, leading organizations, celebrations, public projects, etc. in the world. As a result, our mind experiences both wanted and unwanted feelings. Therefore, novels, newspapers, movies, television, computers, etc. are all attracted and delighted by the soul.

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