
Excessive relapses during lockdown – the wrong road of addiction recovery

suboxone doctor providence

Once the experts from suboxone doctor providence suggested that COVID-19 functional lockdown could be the ideal time for people to get rid of addiction. But over the course, the scenario has been different. While drug addicts are getting more and more relapses these days, they could hardly manage to battle it. Doctors believe that it would be difficult to control these people from getting back to addiction.

Relapses are frequent during addiction recovery. But effective medications like treatment for suboxone addiction always try to ensure the least number of relapses. The more victims stay determined during those relapses, the nearer they step into their complete recovery. But evidently, victims need care and communication from his surrounding to steer past their difficulties. The current static world has been a curse for the addicts, and with already many people dying of COVID-19, only more to come, including drug casualties.

Separation and lack of communication during the lockdown

We are supposed to maintain social distancing still to combat against coronavirus, but some unwanted consequences have developed so far. A failed addiction recovery is one of those, and restrictions for in-person communication and care can be the reason.

Relapse is a phase that comes when the patient is having withdrawal symptoms. The patient feels that he/she should go back to consuming drugs again. Regardless of any situation like COVID-19 lockdown, suboxone treatment centers providence always recommend proper family therapy to ensure that the patient doesn’t get victimized of relapses. Addicts may fail to convince themselves to stay determined during a relapse; they need some assistance from their close beings regarding that. But are they getting the same care today?

The main factors for increased relapses during lockdown generate from communal dysfunction and lack of options for the victims to vent out their issues. Here are some factors that are triggering relapses.

1. Though social distancing is an utmost requirement these days, addicts misinterpret the situation. They feel their family members or close friends are neglecting them because of their dark history. They think they are alone, and no one is there to care for them.

2. Quarantine program is also a trigger to promote failed relapses. Drug victims in quarantine feel they are alone; there is no one to listen and talk to them. Treatment for Suboxone addiction Providence has never failed to depict the importance of staying together in recovery. Once they feel isolated, it gets tough to convince them to stay determined still.

3. Though some suboxone treatment centres, Providence are still continuing their novel work during this lockdown, it could have been much better if the patients had the opportunity of in-person consultation instead of online counselling.

What are the solutions now?

The current COVID-19 situation has already influenced people to get into drugs and alcohols as it could help them disburse their stress. With uncertainty over jobs and several concerns for a financially smooth lifestyle, people can feel stressed. But, if they are in the process of a recovery, then this can be critical to promote an enormous setback. Finding the right resolution to such a dilemma is arguably a quick need to solve those problems.

1. Although people should respect social restrictions and all, they should try to stay connected with their beloved drug victims as much as possible. Relapses can only be encountered smoothly if the patients feel backing and confident of warm acceptance from their close ones.

2. Isolation has been a routine of today’s world. So, finding some other means of amusement is essential to enjoy the recovery. The patient may seek help from family members to play a crucial role in this process.

3. If the patient has already been undergoing treatment for suboxone addiction, then he can opt to change his mentor on a temporary or permanent basis. Finding suboxone doctors near me can be ideal to ensure a lesser distance to travel.

The best option to reduce relapses is to find suboxone treatment centres near me or sublocade near me that can offer in-person counselling and consultation during this lockdown. The COVID-19 crisis has propelled the way to make drug and alcohol abuse treatments as essential services in the city. People won’t face much problem to find his ideal in-person treatment centres now.

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